Profiles are used for providing basic user environment needs
Environment needs can be
Desktop settings
Startup applications
N/w connectivity.
Profile is responsible for providing the initial desktop environment needs with the help of desktop folder, favorites, cookies, my documents, start menu, and Internet settings, n/w connections and etc.
When a user logs in for the first time the user will be loaded with a default user profile.
Default user profile is located under
C:\documents and settings\default user
Types of profiles:
1)Local profile
2)Roaming profile
3)Mandatory profile
Local profile:
It is a profile loaded for the user and saved in the local hard drive where the user works.
And profile will be saved when a user logs off
Local profiles are limited only to the machine where they are saved.
A user with a local profile will not be loaded with a network profile when he logs on from another machine.
Verifying the type of the profile:
My computer
User profile – settings
Roaming Profile:
It is a profile, which is saved in the shared folder on the server. Hence available in the entire network.
Roaming profile is a n/w profile which is available in the entire network. As a result when a user logs in from any machine in the n/w he will be loaded with a roaming.
Creating a roaming profile:
Create a user A/C
Create a folder
And share it and give full control permission for everyone
Start >P>ADUC
Double click the user
Profile path ex: \\sys1\profile\username
Apply – ok
Move on to member server:
Log in as user
My computer
Advanced-profile settings-you should notice “roaming profile”.
Mandatory Profile:
Mandatory Profile is a profile used for controlling desktop environment setting especially used for restricting user from saving user data, setting, and configuration on the desktop.
It is a type of roaming profile but settings are not saved when a user logs off.
Changes will be available only for the session where user is active. (Active session) Creating a mandatory profile:
Open the profiles folder you’ve created for roaming
There will be a user folder
Take the ownership of the folder of the user
Right click on the folder properties
Security – ok – advanced
Owner – administrators
Replace owner on sub >apply – ok
Open the folder
Rename the file
Ntuser.dat to
Give back the permission (ownership)
Security – advanced
Check the box Allow inheritable
Check - Replace permission entries on all
Apply – ok. Verifying:
Move on to client machine
Login as user
Make some desktop changes
Create a folder or delete a folder
For removing mandatory profile just rename to ntuser.dat Home folders:
Home folders are separate folders where users save their data and protect their data from other users every user can have one home folder either on the server on the local machine.
If the home folder is in the server an administrator can secure it and back-up.
If the home folders are created in the local machine backing up is not that easy.
Creating a user home folder in a server:
On member server
Create a home folder for user1
Share it
Remove everyone
Add administrator and user1
Give full control for both
Apply ok
Create a user a/c
Go to user properties
Connect home folder
Select the drive letter
To mention the path
Ex: sys1\u1\home\u1
Apply ok
On client machine
Log in as user
Open my computer
We should notice an extra drive letter
Go to cmd prompt
We should not get the drive letter we have assigned.
Creating a local home folder:
On Member server
Login as administrator
Create a folder in any drive
Share it
Remove everyone
Add administrator &u2
Give full access
Apply – ok Move on to server or DC
Open ADUCcreate a user
Go to user properties
Home folder
Give local path
Ex: E:\u2home
Apply-ok Verifying:
Move on to client machine
Login as user
Go to command prompt.
We should notice the local folder
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